Friday, October 15, 2010

Sweet Medicine

A little sad today because I'm missing my friends wedding this weekend back home...I guess it's just one of those things that happens when you live far away and don't have a private jet, or just can't get off of work and make the 15 hour drive...
So, to eat away my feelings, I went to this AMAZING bakery/cafe near my house and had the most DELICIOUS french toast ever! Croissant bread? check. homemade whipped cream? check. strawberries and bananas and syrup. triple check. So good, that I just had to get a pic...
Okay, I think I might need to be sad a bit more often...
Anyway, happy friday lovers, and I hope everyone has an awesome weekend. Spend some time with someone you love, and if you're far away from that someone, I think skype is the next best thing!

1 comment:

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Wow! I don't even like french toast but that looks amazing!

Sorry you missed your friend's wedding :(


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