Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Here is a mini-montage of random holiday pics- it was such an awesome Christmas! I overpacked- as usual, drove 10 hours with my fiancee to Florida- shopped along the way, gave huge hugs to the fam, spent a whole afternoon underwater taking pics, I went to the beach, hung out with family I don't get to see enough, made gingerbread houses, ate Christmas food, talked about the wedding, shopped, watched tons of Christmas movies, got to wear my new Katy Rodriguez dress and brightest lipstick I own, hung out in the sun, and just generally had a super fun time! Home now, and I miss everyone- and the sunshine! But, I get to do some more work on our house which is exciting! I didn't make any resolutions this year- I guess I usually don't because I forget about them after about 2 weeks! Did you guys make any? Hopefully everyone had an AMAZING holiday and I know 2010 is going to be the best year yet!!! XOX

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